MBA: what is it and what are its benefits?


Nowadays many professionals of the administration refused to study an MBA because it is a study program that offers only one variant: business and international trade.

Yes, they have many reasons for some years these were the only approaches we met. Fortunately, however, the situation has changed a lot.

In fact, today there are almost as many approaches as there are needs. The reason is simple and simple: as the area of ​​business action expands and the business models we have known so far change, it is logical that training in this area also undergoes transformations in the general approach.

What is an MBA in the 21st century?
The MBA (Master of Business Administration) remains one of the most valued professional specialization options. In addition, in recent years there has been an increase in the interest of professionals in the area or even of others who, in principle, have nothing to do with business and administration.

The rating is more important than ever. The number of professionals who now have access to this type of training or similar has increased considerably in recent times, so it is necessary to have good tools to compete.

In the current market, companies demand the highest levels of training of their workers or candidates. They look for leaders, but also more than that: they want people capable of adapting to the new context and managing companies efficiently.

MBA: What types do they offer?
The MBA offer is wide and diverse. In fact, new academic proposals appear every day according to the needs of the labor market and of the companies and the administration. Some of the best known are:

Executive MBA:
Although the admission requirements depend on each school or study center, this MBA is aimed at professionals with at least 5 years of experience in business administration and administration. The idea is both to reinforce the knowledge of this topic and to update it and to welcome others from the new professional context.

International MBA:
It is a program of studies generally in English that offers training to people interested in working in international business. It can be found in different parts of the world.

Global MBA:
Many experts consider it a variant of the International MBA, but given its current scope, it should be analyzed more closely. The Global MBA can be found in business schools. Many offer the possibility of combining face-to-face classes with online classes as best call as many know claces online.

MBA Specialties:
However, if the objective is to specialize in a particular area of ​​administration and business, this approach is the most appropriate and professional. The main topics of study include finance, marketing and advertising, communication, human resources, among others.

A final alternative that should be mentioned is that of the official MBAs, which are those taught by the study centers linked to government plans or financed by public entities. In the European Union we find several of them.

What is the average price of an online MBA?
To answer this question, the first thing you should know is that there are elements that determine the cost of one or another program, for example, the reputation of the school or the study center, the contents of the program, the approaches of the MBA, the Technological facilities and even the language in which the program is taught.

It also influences where we want to do an online MBA. The destinations par excellence have been and continue to be the United Kingdom and the United States, two countries with a huge tradition in teaching complementary training programs for recent graduates, professionals or even high-level professional executives.

In recent years, Spain has entered the list of preferred destinations for students and professionals from the rest of Europe, Latin American countries and other parts of the world. Barcelona and Madrid, its two main capitals, represent a large part of the training offer of these international characteristics.

An online MBA is comparatively cheaper than a face-to-face MBA. The range of offers in Spanish is almost as wide as those offered in English. To give you a couple of data, some experts talk about programs ranging from € 45,000 in reputable schools to € 25,000 in other more modest ones. However, keep in mind that these data may vary according to the elements mentioned above and your own needs.